COVID-19 Crowe Malaysia Webpage

COVID-19 Impact and Response

In these challenging times, we are doing our part to help Malaysian businesses by providing resources that can help you steer your business through this unpredictable environment.

Government Measures and Stimulus Packages

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Government has announced various Economic Stimulus Packages to aid the Rakyat and business community.

We are pleased to summarise below all the important resources made available by the government to assist the business sector to alleviate the hardships brought about by the COVID-19 crisis.

The chronology of the measures provided by the Government is as follows:

Timeline of Government Measures

Initiatives & Measures

The Wage Subsidy Program, Employment Retention Program and Employment Insurance System have been introduced to assist businesses in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Inland Revenue Board
The IRB has announced various measures to assist taxpayers in coping with their tax obligations during the Movement Control Order period.
Loans for SMEs
Several financing facilities have been introduced under the Economic Stimulus Packages to help businesses cope with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Employees Provident Fund (EPF)
Employers have been given an option to apply for deferment and restructuring of employer’s share of EPF contributions.
Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)
Employers have been given a 6-month exemption from contributing to the Human Resources Development Fund.
The Wage Subsidy Program, Employment Retention Program and Employment Insurance System have been introduced to assist businesses in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Inland Revenue Board
The IRB has announced various measures to assist taxpayers in coping with their tax obligations during the Movement Control Order period.
Loans for SMEs
Several financing facilities have been introduced under the Economic Stimulus Packages to help businesses cope with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Employees Provident Fund (EPF)
Employers have been given an option to apply for deferment and restructuring of employer’s share of EPF contributions.
Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)
Employers have been given a 6-month exemption from contributing to the Human Resources Development Fund.

Resources & Insights

Budget 2021: Resilient as One, Together We Triumph
A look at the Budget 2021 proposals in light of the Rakyat’s Well-Being, Business Continuity and Economic Resilience.
Cashflow Survival & Stimulus Package Assessment Tool
How long can your cash reserves last during this COVID-19 pandemic?
Extension of Various Statutory Deadlines
In light of the Movement Control Order to curb the spread of COVID-19, relevant authorities have extended the statutory deadlines for filing of returns and payments.
Exclusive Tax Planning Handbook for Businesses
Evaluate the possible impact of COVID-19 to businesses in Malaysia and the tax effect therefrom.

Crowe Global Insights
A collection of global insights to help businesses and individuals navigate the uncertainty associated with COVID-19.
Accounting and Audit Implications of COVID-19
We have tabulated the important dates involved as well as their impact on the various items in financial statements.
What do MNEs need to know about Managing Transfer Pricing Risks?
Will MNEs seek to maintain the financial budgets for transfer pricing compliance?

Cash Flow Management from a Transfer Pricing Perspective
Is it worthwhile for taxpayers to be mindful of their commercial arrangements?
Managing Insolvency in Malaysia
Learn how businesses in distress can extract maximum value for creditors and stakeholders alike.
Tax Implications on Business Restructuring
Are there any tax implications on the methods used to restructure or reorganise their businesses?
Budget 2021: Resilient as One, Together We Triumph
A look at the Budget 2021 proposals in light of the Rakyat’s Well-Being, Business Continuity and Economic Resilience.
Cashflow Survival & Stimulus Package Assessment Tool
How long can your cash reserves last during this COVID-19 pandemic?
Extension of Various Statutory Deadlines
In light of the Movement Control Order to curb the spread of COVID-19, relevant authorities have extended the statutory deadlines for filing of returns and payments.
Exclusive Tax Planning Handbook for Businesses
Evaluate the possible impact of COVID-19 to businesses in Malaysia and the tax effect therefrom.

Crowe Global Insights
A collection of global insights to help businesses and individuals navigate the uncertainty associated with COVID-19.
Accounting and Audit Implications of COVID-19
We have tabulated the important dates involved as well as their impact on the various items in financial statements.
What do MNEs need to know about Managing Transfer Pricing Risks?
Will MNEs seek to maintain the financial budgets for transfer pricing compliance?

Cash Flow Management from a Transfer Pricing Perspective
Is it worthwhile for taxpayers to be mindful of their commercial arrangements?
Managing Insolvency in Malaysia
Learn how businesses in distress can extract maximum value for creditors and stakeholders alike.
Tax Implications on Business Restructuring
Are there any tax implications on the methods used to restructure or reorganise their businesses?


COVID-19 Cashflow Survival & Stimulus Assessment Tool

How long can your cash reserves last during this COVID-19 pandemic?
To help you in the most critical phase of this crisis, we have designed a Cashflow Survival & Stimulus Assessment Template. The purpose of this template is to help you analyse how long your business’ cash reserves can last. This will give you a clear view of your business' financial health, thus empowering you to plan ahead of time before your cash reserves run dry. 

The template can also help you to understand the Malaysian government’s measures in the Stimulus Packages which can assist you in:

  • Maximizing your cashflow (e.g. via the Wage Subsidy Scheme (WSP)
  • Defer cash usage (e.g. via revision of the CP204 tax estimates); or 
  • Obtain more funding (e.g. via loans).
* Information Required

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