D.C. Developments

Location: California
Start date:

2/5/2025 2:00 PM Pacific

End date:

2/6/2025 2:00 PM Pacific

Services: Audit, Consulting, Tax

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Crowe Insights Multiplier: 2025 DC Outlook

Event details

Join us this February for the Crowe Postelection D.C. Developments event live in California, where our top specialists will explore emerging legislative, regulatory, and economic trends expected to impact businesses as the new administration takes office.

Foster City

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 5

Time: 2-5 p.m.
Happy hour from 4-5 p.m.


Crowne Plaza
1221 Chess Dr.
Foster City, CA 94404

Costa Mesa

Date: Thursday, Feb. 6

Time: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Lunch will be provided


Avenue of the Arts Costa Mesa Hotel
3350 Avenue of the Arts
Costa Mesa, CA 92626


Session 1 | D.C. Insights on General Policy and Tax Landscape

Our specialists will share how the new administration and Congress are set to reshape general policy, including tariffs, as well as the tax landscape, focusing on President Donald Trump's tax proposals and the fate of expiring provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

Session 2 | Economic Forecasting Post-Election: Strategies and Implications

This discussion will focus on the U.S. macroeconomic outlook, along with insights on inflation, interest rates, merger and acquisition activity, and strategies to navigate the evolving economic landscape.

Session 3 (Costa Mesa event only) | Governmental Accounting Insights: What’s New and Upcoming 

This presentation will offer a comprehensive overview of significant developments in accounting and financial reporting that affect governments, including recently issued GASB pronouncements.

Continuing professional education

Prerequisites: None

Program level: Basic

Advance preparation: None

Delivery method: Group live

Field of study: Varies by session

Foster City event is eligible for 2.0 hours of CPE credit.

Costa Mesa event is eligible for 3.0 hours of CPE credit.

Additional CPE information

Who should attend

C-suite leaders, finance leaders, business owners, compliance leaders, controllers, director-level leaders, managers, audit committee members, and similar leaders


Tony Boras, Partner, National Office, Crowe (Costa Mesa only)

Rochelle Hodes, Principal, Washington National Tax, Crowe

Peter Judge, National Office, Crowe

Alan Beaulieu, Principal, ITR Economics

Additional information

For additional information about this event, please contact Jillian Steiger.

GASB materials reprinted with permission. Copyright 2025 by Financial Accounting Foundation, Norwalk, Connecticut. Copyright 1974-1980 by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Copyright 1976-1984 by Government Finance Officers Association.