Q3 2024 Quarterly Close: Keep Up on Accounting Trends and Topics
Crowe Portfolio Analyzer™ for sureties and agents
An automated financial and job schedule analysis tool
An automated financial and job schedule analysis tool
In the age of digital technology, big data, and artificial intelligence, it’s surprising that so much financial and contractor information within major surety organizations is still hand-keyed. This approach can be highly inefficient. And it increases the potential for human error. Crowe Portfolio Analyzer for sureties and agents, an automated financial and job schedule analysis tool, can help.
One of the biggest challenges for the surety industry is financial data management. Our solution provides much-needed relief in this area by not only making data entry simpler, faster, and more reliable, but also organizing information in a way that makes it more easily retrievable.
Key features include:
Produce single and recurring adjustments, document justification, audit trail, multiperiod views, and peer data comparisons.
Get in-depth WIP analysis, automated job trending, at-risk jobs, and document underwriting insights.
Create presentations for customers with your organization’s branding that show job reports, historical financial statement comparisons, financial performance insights, and more.
Access dashboards that provide the data and figures your organization needs, served up via multiple graphs and styles.
XBRL is an increasingly popular computer readable file format for standardizing financial statements and job schedules. We’ve developed a proprietary technology solution that allows contractors to upload their internal and CPA-produced financial statements and job schedules for automatic conversion into XBRL files.
The result? Agents and underwriters get complete and accurate information more quickly while eliminating errors due to manual data entry. That means more confidence in underwriting decisions.
Q3 2024 Quarterly Close: Keep Up on Accounting Trends and Topics
Accounting and disclosure considerations for real estate
Managing CRE concentration risk through change
REIT DST 1031/721 exchanges: Better 1031 exchange option?
Realizing the benefits of SOC 2+ reporting
Contact us today and let us know how we can help.